Your voice and your being
are important and needed.
Your unique combination of interests
and experience and skills
is a gift to the world
and makes a real difference. 

Where do you really want to focus the precious time of your life?

How do you most want to show up in the world?

When will you step into your most authentic and purposeful life? 

Why not now?

Read more

Upcoming Events

The Way of Integrity Book Group

Burning in me is a fire to share a deep exploration of Martha Beck’s book, The Way of Integrity - Finding the Path to Your True Self, and to combine it with the depth and richness of Soul-based coaching, which has been my passion for the last 2 years.

I invite you to create with me a delicious and nourishing and healing group, born of your willingness to discover your truest and most honest self and to invite her out to play.

Over 13 weeks - April through June - we will dive deep together into this book’s riches in a safe and nurturing space.


Soul-based Coaching Appetizer Venture

15-20 minutes of adventuring into Metaphorland, to get a taste of the delicious treasures you have within. Fun for you and good practice for me - offered at no cost, because I'm learning!

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when new events are added.

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